There are three types of applications; applications that manage the business, applications that run the business and miscellaneous apps.

A security breach or performance related issue for an application that runs the business would undoubtedly impact the top-line revenue. For example, an issue in a hotel booking system would directly affect the top-line revenue as opposed to an outage in Office 365.

It is a general assumption that cloud deployments would suffer from business-impacting performance issues due to the network. The objective is to have applications within 25ms (one-way) of the users who use them. However, too many network architectures backhaul the traffic to traverse from a private to the public internetwork.

The thoughts of transitioning mission-critical applications to the cloud require a rethink of the existing cloud interconnects. This persuaded me to jump on a call to Sorell Slaymaker to get his valued opinion on the future of cloud interconnects and the new emerging model known as the Internetworking design.

Typically, as the market matures, we would be witnessing the transition to the Internetworking design that rides on top of traditional cloud interconnects driven by multi-hybrid cloud architectures.

Introducing the original interconnects

There are multiple traditional ways to connect to the cloud. Each way has its pros and cons in terms of speed, cloud ecosystem, price, security, and performance. 
