“As the web celebrated its 29th birthday last week, Berners-Lee expressed disappointment with how his invention has turned out,” reports MarketWatch. “He criticized Facebook and other tech heavyweights last week, saying they have ‘made it possible to weaponize the web at scale.’

“But on Monday, the British computer scientist essentially told Zuck to buck up. ‘I would say to him: You can fix it,’ Berners-Lee tweeted. ‘It won’t be easy, but if companies work with governments, activists, academics and web users, we can make sure platforms serve humanity.’”

Tim Berners-Lee writes: This is a serious moment for the web’s future. But I want us to remain hopeful. The problems we see today are bugs in the system. Bugs can cause damage, but bugs are created by people, and can be fixed by people…. My message to all web users today is this: I may have invented the web, but you make it what it is. And it’s up to all of us to build a web that reflects our hopes & fulfils our dreams more than it magnifies our fears & deepens our divisions… Get involved. Care about your data. It belongs to you.

If we each take a little of the time we spend using the web to fight for the web, I think we’ll be ok. Tell companies and your government representatives that your data and the web matter.
