Ideally, you should not pay in advance and make the transaction once the product has been delivered to you in person, if that is how you are going to buy it. You could be dealing with a fictitious seller, who does not even have the product, and will disappear as soon as you make the…
Currently, Wallapop is one of the thrift shopping most popular and used by users around the world. It allows the buying and selling of used items of various categories, with different security measures and support in order to reduce the chances of scams or problems. However, sometimes it is necessary to contact Wallapop and ask…
He marketplace of used products Wallapop It is one of the points of reference for buying and selling second-hand. Users can organize to sell within a distance range, or set up a shipping chain to reach different points on the map. In case you need to contact Wallapop, there are different means of communication.