Uzbekistan demands that the representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry be recognized as persona non grata; in Kaliningrad, schoolchildren study Uzbek
Multiple international human rights organizations released a statement calling on Uzbekistan’s President Shavkat Mirziyoyev to veto a controversial new law that would allow the deportation or entry ban of foreigners deemed “undesirable.”
Severity High Analysis Summary The notorious Gh0st RAT malware has been identified with a new variant dubbed “SugarGh0st RAT” used in recent cyber campaigns targeting the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Uzbekistan and South Korean individuals.
Cisco Talos recently discovered a malicious campaign that likely started as early as August 2023, delivering a new remote access trojan (RAT) we dubbed “SugarGh0st.” We found evidence suggesting the threat actor is targeting the Uzbekistan Ministry of Foreign Affairs and users in South Korea. We assess with high confidence that the SugarGh0st RAT is…
Farzona Kayumova is a staff correspondent for JURIST in Uzbekistan and a law student at Tashkent State University of Law.
By Treadstone 71 @Treadstone71LLC Cognitive Warfare Training, Intelligence and Counterintelligence Tradecraft, Influence Operations, Cyber Operations, OSINT,OPSEC, Darknet, Deepweb, Clandestine Cyber HUMINT, customized training and analysis, cyber psyops, strategic intelligence, Open-Source Intelligence collection, analytic writing, structured analytic techniques, Target Adversary Research, strategic intelligence analysis, estimative intelligence, forecasting intelligence, warning intelligence, Disinformation detection, Analysis as a Service