The New York Times analyzed over 3.2 million Telegram messages from 16,220 channels. Their conclusion? Telegram “offers features that enable criminals, terrorists and grifters to organize at scale and to sidestep scrutiny from the authorities” — and that Telegram “has looked the other way as illegal and extremist activities have flourished openly on the app.”
In October 2023, Carespring Health Care Management was the victim of a ransomware attack. It was not announced on its website, but in November, Carespring was listed on the NoEscape ransomware gang’s site. At the time, the threat actors claimed they had encrypted Carespring’s files and exfiltrated 364 GB of files.
9. Do you see how Donald Trump discredits the existence of biracial people by suggesting Kamala Harris cannot be Black and Indian? Not very demure. Not very considerate of an experience shared by over 33 million Americans who identify as multiracial. When speaking at an NABJ conference in July, Trump was posed with this question…
The Rhysida Ransomware gang, a notorious group known for their file-encrypting malware, has announced that they will be selling data stolen from The Washington Times’ servers for $304,500 in Bitcoin within a week.
MalBot August 15, 2024, 3:20pm 1 Purportedly exclusive data stolen from The Washington Times is being sold by Rhysida for more than $304,000 worth of Bitcoin as part of an online auction that will open in a week.
An alarming trend toward multiple, sometimes simultaneous cyber attacks forces business leaders to re-evaluate their cyber resilience strategies to address common points of failure, including inadequate identity system backup and recovery practices, according to Semperis.
Time’s up: Kaspersky is finally leaving the U.S.
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New data puts the spotlight on the frequency and impact of modern ransomware attacks, highlighting the overconfidence organizations are showing in their ability to defend and respond to attacks.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is all the buzz lately! It has significantly impacted numerous industries and cybersecurity is one of them.AI in cybersecurity involves using machine learning algorithms and cognitive technologies to detect, anticipate, and combat cyber threats. As cyber-attacks become more intricate and frequent, AI provides a potent solution to fortify organizations’ defense mechanisms, making…
One of the most effective tools in our cybersecurity arsenal at Exabeam is the regular deployment of phishing simulations. These exercises are not just routine checks but essential components of our defense strategy, especially during significant organizational change and public announcements.
Rutte often rides to work on his bike – Copyright POOL/AFP NHAC NGUYEN
6. No big deal? The OMB made a big deal of one incident involving a bad actor gaining access to the login credentials of just one employee for just 15 hours — maybe because that person worked for the Office of the Inspector General (OIG), which has full access to all records and materials available…
Ascension Makes Progress in Restoring Systems After Cyberattack, Patients to See Improved Wait Times
A month after a cyberattack on Ascension, one of the largest nonprofit healthcare systems in the United States, continues to work expeditiously with industry cybersecurity experts to safely restore systems across its network. Ascension Via Christi has announced an update regarding the Ascension cyberattack that it expects to improve efficiencies and reduce wait times for…
The New York Times has confirmed that its internal source code was leaked on 4chan after being stolen from the company’s GitHub repositories in January 2024. BleepingComputer reports: As first seen by VX-Underground, the internal data was leaked on Thursday by an anonymous user who posted a torrent to a 273GB archive containing the stolen…
Microsoft’s Visual Studio Code (VSCode) extensions marketplace is plagued with malicious uploads and a lack of security controls, a group of researchers said in an open letter published on Medium.
Secondary threats The exposure of source code held in repositories like this could reveal vulnerabilities that attackers can exploit to launch further attacks, security experts warned.
MalBot June 10, 2024, 3:41pm 1 The New York Times confirmed its GitHub repository was breached in January following the leak of its internal source code and data as part of a 273 GB archive on the 4chan message board, reports BleepingComputer.
Hackers claim to have hit BlackBerry Cylance and The New York Times in separate, unrelated incidents, but only the New York Times hack may be significant, as BlackBerry officials say that data purporting to be from their company appears to be several years old and out of date. Data from both incidents have been put…