arXiv:2502.07159v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Motivated by practical concerns in cryptography, we study pseudorandomness properties of permutations on ${0,1}^n$ computed by random circuits made from reversible $3$-bit gates (permutations on ${0,1}^3$). Our main result is that a random circuit of depth $sqrt{n} cdot tilde{O}(k^3)$, with each layer consisting of $Theta(n)$ random gates in a fixed…
House hunting can be exciting—and frustrating. It can take anywhere from four weeks to six months (or longer!) to find and buy a house, and there’s likely going to be some compromise along the way. Your wish list will meet your budget, your patience will meet its limits, and before you know it you’re happily…
MalBot October 2, 2024, 11:11pm 1 A few days ago Karsten asked me what tool did I use for GUID extraction. I replied that it was my own old tool written waaaay before yara’s birth. In this post I will elaborate on this bit a bit… … Continue reading →
[Submitted on 18 Sep 2024 (v1), last revised 19 Sep 2024 (this version, v2)] View a PDF of the paper titled On the second-order zero differential properties of several classes of power functions over finite fields, by Huan Zhou and 3 other authors
Folks, Do you remember the international embassies web malware exploitation spree using client-side exploits that took place back in 2009 with the Russian Business Network the hosting provider of choice for these campaigns?
Attack of the clones: Getting RCE in Chrome’s renderer with duplicate object properties – The GitHub Blog Skip to content In this post, I’ll exploit CVE-2024-3833, an object corruption bug in v8, the Javascript engine of Chrome, that allows remote code execution (RCE) in the renderer sandbox of Chrome by a single visit to a…
[Submitted on 17 Sep 2023 (v1), last revised 17 May 2024 (this version, v2)] View a PDF of the paper titled ATM: a Logic for Quantitative Security Properties on Attack Trees, by Stefano M. Nicoletti and Milan Lopuha\”a-Zwakenberg and E. Moritz Hahn and Mari\”elle Stoelinga
HYDERABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News – 17th May, 2024) Speakers at a workshop on Thursday have warned that local population is destined to face heavy losses and destruction this monsoon season if protective measures in flood areas of Dadu are not taken and the encroachments in natural water flows are not removed.
BLint is a Binary Linter designed to evaluate your executables’ security properties and capabilities, utilizing LIEF for its operations. From version 2, BLint can also produce Software Bill-of-Materials (SBOM) for compatible binaries.
Search Search At Spiel, every click is an adventure in the gaming world. Whether you’re a casual or hardcore gamer, we’re your go-to for the latest news, tips, and trends.
iStockphoto In news that many people have been feeling for a long time, airbnb announced that it has finally banned the use of indoor cameras in all of its properties worldwide starting April 30.
Airbnb is banning all indoor security cameras at properties worldwide, according to an announcement published online Monday. The change comes after years of horror stories circulating online about secret hidden security cameras, which have long been banned on the platform, though still pop up frequently around the world.
The joint action day in Spain and Ecuador led to:31 arrests (13 in Spain and 18 in Ecuador);2 High Value Targets arrested;66 location searches (22 in Spain and 40 in Ecuador);Seizures included: 25 vehicles, 10 firearms, electronic equipment estimated at about EUR 13 million and almost EUR 3 million cash in various currencies, including euros; Property…
Share this… There are many things you might need to take care of when it comes to managing a vacant property, but securing it is one of the most important responsibilities you have. But it’s not just beneficial—it’s a government requirement. 1.2mm galvanised steel sheets are a requirement for boarding up vacant properties, and as…
Understanging “Fields” In the object-oriented programming (OOP) approach of C#, a field is a class or struct level variable that holds data specific to an instance (object). It forms the identity of an instance, named as instance fields. Try and keep your variables private (common practice to have an underscore as prefix) to prevent external…
The FBI has warned before about the cyber vulnerabilities of both physical and online casinos, and the issue reared its ugly head again this week as two major casino properties suffered crippling cyberattacks that are still being investigated.