The New York Times analyzed over 3.2 million Telegram messages from 16,220 channels. Their conclusion? Telegram “offers features that enable criminals, terrorists and grifters to organize at scale and to sidestep scrutiny from the authorities” — and that Telegram “has looked the other way as illegal and extremist activities have flourished openly on the app.”
Welcome aboard, mate! Today, we’re diving deep into the sparkling waters of Pokie Mate Casino, a gem in the vast ocean of online gambling. If you’re itching for a flutter from the comfort of your dacks, you’re in the right spot. So, grab a cuppa and let’s find out why Pokie Mate is more than…
Modern cars have microcontrollers that use the Controller Area Network (CAN) to perform safety and luxury functions.
In the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats, a new and unexpected front has opened up: Microsoft Teams chats. While phishing attacks via email are well-known, many users remain unaware of the dangers lurking within Teams chats. Microsoft’s default setting of enabling External Access in Teams has inadvertently opened a door for cybercriminals to exploit.
CloudFoxable is a capture-the-flag (CTF) style learning platform you can deploy to your playground AWS account. It primarily targets current penetration testers seeking to learn exploitation of cloud-native attack paths, and cloud security experts aiming to practice offensive security techniques safely.
DEF CON 31 – Wesley McGrew’s ‘Retro Exploitation – Vintage Computing As A Vuln Research Playground’
Many thanks to DEF CON 31 for publishing their terrific DefCon Conference 31 presenters content.Originating from the conference events at Caesars Forum, Flamingo, Harrah’s and Linq in Las Vegas, Nevada; via the organizations YouTube channel.
Oct 17, 2023NewsroomMalware / APT In what’s the latest evolution of threat actors abusing legitimate infrastructure for nefarious ends, new findings show that nation-state hacking groups have entered the fray in leveraging the social platform for targeting critical infrastructure.
Published in · 3 min read · 3 hours ago As the cloud has become an essential part of our digital lives. Its benefits are numerous, offering easy access to data, scalable resources, and seamless collaboration. However, as with any technology, the cloud is not immune to cyber threats, and one of the most menacing…