Between 27 and 29 May 2024, international law enforcement agencies and partners conducted the Operation Endgame to disrupt criminal services, notably through taking down key botnet infrastructures, including those of IcedID, SystemBC, PikaBot, SmokeLoader and BumbleBee. The Sekoia TDR team supported the French law enforcement agencies by providing valuable cyber threat intelligence, in particular on…
.bs-section.bs-section-cbd34f7bdb05e2978ca52711176908d80ca48ac3{ background-image: url(https://www.safebreach.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/webinar-background.webp);background-position: center center;background-size: cover;} May 2, 2024 Author: Kaustubh Jagtap, Product Marketing Director, SafeBreach In this version of the Hacker’s Playbook Threat Coverage round-up, we are highlighting attack coverage for newly discovered or analyzed threats, including those based on original research conducted by SafeBreach Labs. SafeBreach customers can select and run these attacks and…
A new report from McAfee Labs reveals a troubling evolution in the PikaBot malware campaign, showcasing an alarming range of infection vectors and techniques. Once limited in its distribution methods, PikaBot is now spreading rapidly through HTML, JavaScript, malicious Excel files, SMB shares, and JAR files – a level of sophistication that suggests well-coordinated and…
Authored by Anuradha and Preksha PikaBot is a malicious backdoor that has been active since early 2023. Its modular design is comprised of a loader and a core component. The core module performs malicious operations, allowing for the execution of commands and the injection of payloads from a command-and-control server. The malware employs a code…
MalBot March 14, 2024, 7:56pm 1 Article Link: https://www.malware-traffic-analysis.net/2024/02/06/index.html
A new type of malware is being used by ransomware gangs in their attacks, and its name is PikaBot.
After a short hiatus, Pikabot is back, with significant updates to its capabilities and components and a new delivery campaign.
Elastic Security Labs observes a significant overhaul of the PIKABOT loader and core modules, marking a resurgence of this persistent malware family. This deep-dive analysis unveils the revamped techniques PIKABOT uses for unpacking, obfuscation, core functionality, and network communication. Understanding its new tactics is essential for defenders to counter this evolving threat.
Feb 13, 2024NewsroomCyber Threat / Malware The threat actors behind the PikaBot malware have made significant changes to the malware in what has been described as a case of “devolution.”
Pikabot, a malware loader first observed in early 2023, has reemerged after a brief lull in activity, showcasing substantial transformations in its codebase and techniques. Security researchers at ThreatLabz continue their tracking of Pikabot’s development, unraveling a pattern of tactical adjustments and potentially new goals for the malware.
Article Link: Malware-Traffic-Analysis.net – 2024-02-08 – TA577 Pikabot infection
Skip to content .fusion-meta-info { float:left; margin-right: 5px; } – 3 min read Table of Contents Share This Story Background The backdoor trojan known as Pikabot first surfaced in early 2023. Using a Command and Control (C2) server allows the attacker to take control remotely and carry out arbitrary commands. Pikabot can also insert arbitrary…
Trend Micro observed the Water Curupira actively propagating the Pikabot loader malware as part of campaigns, more aggressively in Q4 2023. Water Curupira is a Black Basta ransomware affiliate.
Numerous phishing attacks have been launched by the Water Curupira operation to deploy the PikaBot loader malware as part of campaigns that initially ran from early to mid-2023 before reemerging in September, The Hacker News reports. Intrusions have ramped up during the third quarter likely due to the dismantling of the QakBot trojan in August,…
Overview In early February 2023, cybersecurity experts on Twitter issued a warning about a new malware variant/family being distributed by the #TA577 botnet (associated with the same group from #Qakbot). This malware shares similarities with the Qakbot Trojan, including distribution methods, campaigns, and behaviors. It was quickly nicknamed Pikabot. Pikabot consists of two components: […]…
In the labyrinth of cyber threats that define the digital landscape, 2023 has witnessed the resurgence of a particularly pernicious foe — malicious advertisements, colloquially known as “malvertising.”
Cybercrime , Fraud Management & Cybercrime Malvertising Service Uses Google Ads and Decoy Pages for Malware Distribution Prajeet Nair (@prajeetspeaks) • December 18, 2023
During this past year, we have seen an increase in the use of malicious ads (malvertising) and specifically those via search engines, to drop malware targeting businesses. In fact, browser-based attacks overall have been a lot more common if we include social engineering campaigns. Criminals have found success in acquiring new victims thanks to search…