Hound: Locating Cryptographic Primitives in Desynchronized Side-Channel Traces Using Deep-Learning
arXiv:2408.06296v3 Announce Type: replace Abstract: Side-channel attacks allow to extract sensitive information from cryptographic primitives by correlating the partially known computed data and the measured side-channel signal. Starting from the raw side-channel trace, the preprocessing of the side-channel trace to pinpoint the time at which each cryptographic primitive is executed, and, then, to re-align all…
Brazil has asked Argentina for help in locating the possible presence of more than 140 individuals it says are fugitives from justice.
As of January 10, 2023, CISA will no longer be updating ICS security advisories for Siemens product vulnerabilities beyond the initial advisory. For the most up-to-date information on vulnerabilities in this advisory, please see Siemens’ ProductCERT Security Advisories (CERT Services | Services | Siemens Global).
SSH Private Key Looting Wordlists. A Collection Of Wordlists To Aid In Locating Or Brute-Forcing SSH Private Key File Names. LFI for Lateral Movement? Gain SSH Access? ?file=../../../../../../../../home/user/.ssh/id_rsa?file=../../../../../../../../home/user/.ssh/id_rsa-cert