An update that fixes one vulnerability is now available.
My high end audio recorder I use for lyric/melody progression ideas disappeared, 2 days later I got it back. I’m just wondering what the easiest way is to see if any of my recording files were opened, copied or transferred? A bit of background: I thought it was gone, stolen, looked and looked for almost…
* bsc#1234371 Cross-References: * CVE-2021-3156
# Security update for MozillaFirefox Announcement ID: SUSE-SU-2024:4324-1 Release Date: 2024-12-16T12:06:05Z Rating: important References: * bsc#1234326 Affected Products: * Desktop Applications Module 15-SP5 * Desktop Applications Module 15-SP6 * openSUSE Leap 15.5 * openSUSE Leap 15.6 * SUSE Enterprise Storage 7.1 * SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 15 SP4 LTSS * SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 15…
* bsc#1234326 Affected Products: * Desktop Applications Module 15-SP5
* bsc#1217070 * bsc#1228324 * bsc#1228553 * bsc#1229806
# Security update for the Linux Kernel Announcement ID: SUSE-SU-2024:4318-1 Release Date: 2024-12-13T15:34:03Z Rating: important References: * bsc#1012628 * bsc#1065729 * bsc#1082555 * bsc#1194869 * bsc#1215199 * bsc#1217845 * bsc#1218562 * bsc#1218644 * bsc#1219596 * bsc#1219803 * bsc#1220355 * bsc#1220382 * bsc#1221309 * bsc#1222423 * bsc#1222587 * bsc#1222590 * bsc#1223112 * bsc#1223384 * bsc#1223656 *…
* bsc#1154353 * bsc#1198778 * bsc#1218644 * bsc#1220927
* bsc#1012628 * bsc#1082555 * bsc#1194869 * bsc#1215199
# Security update for the Linux Kernel Announcement ID: SUSE-SU-2024:4316-1 Release Date: 2024-12-13T15:24:05Z Rating: important References: * bsc#1012628 * bsc#1082555 * bsc#1194869 * bsc#1215199 * bsc#1218644 * bsc#1220355 * bsc#1221309 * bsc#1222423 * bsc#1222587 * bsc#1222590 * bsc#1223112 * bsc#1223656 * bsc#1223733 * bsc#1224429 * bsc#1224518 * bsc#1224548 * bsc#1224948 * bsc#1225713 * bsc#1225725 *…
# Security update for the Linux Kernel Announcement ID: SUSE-SU-2024:4313-1 Release Date: 2024-12-13T15:20:18Z Rating: important References: * bsc#1154353 * bsc#1198778 * bsc#1218644 * bsc#1220927 * bsc#1231939 * bsc#1231940 * bsc#1231958 * bsc#1231962 * bsc#1231991 * bsc#1231992 * bsc#1231995 * bsc#1232006 * bsc#1232163 * bsc#1232172 * bsc#1232224 * bsc#1232436 * bsc#1232860 * bsc#1232907 * bsc#1232919 *…
* bsc#1154353 * bsc#1198778 * bsc#1218644 * bsc#1220927
Microsoft has released multiple patches for vulnerabilities covering a range of their products. These monthly releases are called “Patch Tuesday” and contain security fixes for Microsoft devices and software.
* bsc#1210619 * bsc#1218487 * bsc#1220145 * bsc#1220537
* bsc#1229069 * bsc#1229272 * bsc#1230007 * bsc#1230596
* bsc#1231463 * bsc#1233282 Cross- * CVE-2024-52533
* bsc#1231039 * bsc#1232747 Cross- * CVE-2024-44244
* bsc#1210619 * bsc#1218487 * bsc#1220145 * bsc#1220537
* bsc#1225733 * bsc#1229553 Cross- * CVE-2024-36904