Many get layered cybersecurity certifications

Most organizations with critical infrastructure roles have historically relied on basic certifications that demonstrate proficiency in cybersecurity concepts, processes, or role specialization such as incident response or SOC analyst.

“When taking a look at any certifications, especially in critical infrastructure, a lot of IT folks get transferred over from other departments, and then they’re given an additional duty of security,” Lee says. “For these folks, any general foundational IT security certification will do,” Lee says.

But now with ICS and critical infrastructure certifications widely available, organizations working in or supporting these critical infrastructure sectors are asking for ICS certifications, such as GICSP Global Industrial Cybersecurity Professional, and/or critical infrastructure certifications, such as CCICE Certified Critical Infrastructure Security Expert. Today, these two types of certifications apply to most critical infrastructure sectors, particularly in manufacturing, energy, nuclear, water, chemical, commercial facilities, food and agriculture, and the defense industrial base.

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