“When you look at how safety is typically being done, look at communication — you don’t safety-certify the communication specs or Ethernet stack, but you do a checker library on top, and you have a hardware anchor for checking down below, and you insure it end to end but take everything in between out of the certification path. And we have now created a concept that allows us to do exactly that for an operating system,” Neukirchner told me. “So in the end, since we take Linux out of the certification path and make it usable in a safety-related context, we don’t have any problems in keeping up to speed with the developer community,” he explained. “Because if you start it off and say, ‘Well, we’re going to do Linux as a one-shot for safety,’ you’re going to have the next five patches and you’re off [schedule] again, especially with the security regulation that’s now getting toward effect now, starting in July with the UNECE R155 that requires continuous cybersecurity management vulnerability scanning for all software that ends up in the vehicle.”
“In the end, we see roughly 4,000 kernel security patches within eight years for Linux. And this is the kind of challenge that you’re being put up to if you want to participate in that speed of innovation of an open source community as rich as that of Linux and now want to combine this with safety-related applications,” Neukirchner said. Elektrobit developed EB corbos Linux for Safety Applications together with Canonical, and together they will share the maintenance of keeping it compliant with safety requirements over time.