Today, we are excited to announce two new innovations in Flex, both aimed at lowering the barriers to security control validation: free access to Flex, and advanced, enterprise-grade attack emulations made possible through our industry leading packet capture replay technology.

We get it, testing is hard.

Antivirus and basic firewall capabilities are crucial for all organizations, regardless of their size or resources. Still, traditional security testing methods like pen-testing are often costly, time-consuming, and require expertise that many lack. Testing your firewall or AV is commodity stuff, but like exercise – it takes a time commitment that isn’t so easy to do in practice. This leaves organizations exposed between assessments, making timely updates for CISOs and boards challenging. At the same time, users also want to run advanced attack emulations, but trigger-happy security controls can interrupt testing too early. And if you don’t want to take the time to let the shields down for your test to run, it’s like slamming the brakes on a race car before the race even starts.

Everyone needs to take a more proactive approach to security. Now they can.

Our mission is to make the world safer by empowering organizations of all sizes to proactively test their security with as little effort as possible. We believe security is a community effort: When one of us benefits, we all do.

That’s why we’re now offering free access to Flex. Users can now run our baseline AV, content filtering, and firewall tests, along with a rotating, regularly curated adversary campaign for free. Free now, free forever. Test as much as you want.

Even more powerful emulations are at your fingertips.

With our new agentless, packet capture replay technology, Flex users have added optionality in how they run testing. Some organizations might have to schedule system downtime or configure production endpoints. Our new technology enables users to run select advanced emulations when they can’t perform those configurations. It also enables users to simulate malicious traffic from their endpoints to the attacker’s server – command, and control traffic – without requiring malicious outbound communication.

We think organizations will get amazing value from these new features to kick-start their security control validation journey. But don’t take our word for it, give it a try! Sign up today.

  1. No-Cost Access: Users can now sign up for free, with a selection of perpetually free content
  2. Enterprise-grade emulations. More flexibility in how users can perform even more advanced testing without introducing more hassle.
  3. Latest Threat Insights: Organizations can take advantage of our curated threat packages and run them for free – providing instant insights into your security posture when a major attack hits.

Sign up for Flex today – comprehensive security control validation at the click of a button.

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